One of Saint Luke’s most joyous holiday traditions is the Christmas Pageant which tells the Christmas story with a full complement of angels, shepherds and sheep! This year’s Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 22 at 12pm in the church.
There are many parts to play in the Christmas Pageant, and all children ages 3 and up are invited to join the cast! The story is narrated, so all roles are non-speaking. To be fair, the best way to cast the Primary Roles is by a lottery, with general cast roles offered via a sign up.
Primary Role Lottery and General Cast Sign-Ups will take place on Sunday, November 17th at the Playground Coffee after 10am worship.
Primary Roles (all non-speaking) are: Prophet Isaiah, Joseph, Donkey, Angel Gabriel, Roman Soldiers, Caesar Augustus, Innkeepers (3), Head Shepherd, Head Angel, Wise Men (3)
General Cast Roles are: Angels, Sheep, Shepherds
To participate, parents can complete a primary role lottery form and/or general cast sign-up form in person on November 17. Simply come to the Playground after 10AM worship on November 17.
You will be notified of primary role casting results via e-mail after the November 17 lottery drawing. All children whose names are not drawn for primary roles are automatically in the general cast. Please note: we will continue to sign up children for the general cast beyond November 17!
Rehearsal Requirements
- All those with a primary role must attend rehearsals following the 10am service on Sunday, December 8 and Sunday, December 15.
- Angels, Shepherds and Sheep will attend the rehearsal following the 10am service on Sunday, December 15.
Think you have outgrown being a part of the production?
We are looking for Middle School and High School students who are interested in helping out!
If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help with the Pageant, please email Erika Caputo!