Consecration Sunday

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Join us for Consecration Sunday

Sunday, October 20 | 8 am, 10 am and 5 pm

Consecration Sunday is Stewardship Sunday at Saint Luke’s, when we set apart our money, ourselves, and our whole lives to God’s holy purposes. Parishioners will be invited to make their 2025 financial commitments as an act of worship, and we will celebrate our life together with festive receptions after each service.

Our guest preacher on October 20th will be the Rev. Michael Sullivan, President & CEO of Kanuga, the Episcopal Church’s largest camp and conference center in the mountains of North Carolina. Prior to his work at Kanuga, Michael was rector of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Atlanta, where he helped lead a $10M renovation of church facilities and a $22.5M new building for Holy Innocents School. Prior to his work in Atlanta, Michael was rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. He holds a BA from Wofford College, a JD from the University of South Carolina, and an M.Div. from The University of the South: Sewanee.

Find more information on Stewardship at Saint Luke’s HERE. 

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