midweek MANNA

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Join us for Thursday’s NEW “midweek MANNA” lineup

Community Supper 5-6pm

Join us in the Parish Hall for good food & fellowship as we return to weekly sit-down gatherings to break bread together. All are welcome!

Evening Worship 6-6:30pm NEW!

We will gather in the Chapel for a brief service of readings, prayers, music, and candlelit contemplative silence.

Growing in Faith Together 6:30-7:30pm in the Taylor Room NEW!

Stay for an hour of stimulating conversation about faith and life in our own day, including Bible study & discussion.

Parish Choir 7:30-9pm

“Those who sing, pray twice,” says St. Augustine. Consider joining the Parish Choir, which sings each week at the 10am Eucharist and at other special services like Evensong.

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