Worship Times
The Way of Love
As Christians and Episcopalians, worship is the center of our life of faith. Our worship is liturgical, guided by the Book of Common Prayer and centered on weekly celebrations of the Eucharist (also known as Communion or the Lord’s Supper). As we gather together in God’s presence, we hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and find our lives shaped by the teachings of the Bible. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.
Sunday Services
8AM Holy Eucharist
A simpler, more contemplative service in the Church, with a sermon and hymns. Service typically lasts 45 minutes.
10AM Holy Eucharist
An intergenerational service in the Church, led by the Parish Choir, with sermon and congregational hymns. Service typically lasts 60 minutes.
Most Sundays, there is also Children’s Chapel at 10AM, with an age-appropriate sermon given by a member of the clergy, readings, songs, and prayers. Children rejoin their parents in the “big church” for Communion.
5PM Come As You Are (CAYA) Holy Eucharist
An all-ages contemporary service in the Anderson Youth & Community Center, led by our CAYA Band, that blends the ancient structure of worship with modern music and relevant preaching. Parishioners wear everything from athletic gear and jeans to smart casual. Service typically lasts 50-60 minutes. NOTE: For Summer 2024, CAYA will be held outdoors in the Columbarium in June, and will take a break during July & August, returning to the AYCC again in September.
Weekday Worship
Morning Prayer
Monday through Friday at 8AM in the Chapel
A quiet, meditative 20 minute service of Psalms, Bible readings and prayers, led by lay officiants.
Holy Eucharist with Healing
Wednesday at 10AM in the Chapel
This 35 minute service includes a short homily, readings, Holy Communion, and an opportunity for private, individual prayer with our healing ministers.
Choral Evensong
Monthly, Saturdays at 5PM
Sung at the close of day in Cathedrals and churches throughout the world, Choral Evensong is a service of Evening Prayer, derived from the medieval services of Vespers and Compline and translated into English in the sixteenth century. The service includes readings and prayers, as well as music taken from the rich tradition of the Anglican choral repertoire. The Parish Choir sings Evensong once per month on Saturday evenings, followed by a festive reception.
Special Services & Celebrations
As Episcopalians, Saint Luke’s follows a liturgical calendar, an ancient way of commemorating various events in the life of Jesus and other important feast days across the course of the year. Learn more.
In addition to our regular Sunday celebrations, we look forward to many annual celebrations such as Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Lenten stations of the cross, Holy Week and Easter, Pentecost, the Blessing of the Backpacks, Homecoming, the Blessing of the Animals, Saint Luke’s Day, All Saints’, and Remembrance Sunday.