Our Team

The Rev. Ryan Fleenor
The Rev. Ryan FleenorRector
The Rev. Hannah Pommersheim
The Rev. Hannah PommersheimAssociate Rector
The Rev. Susan Wyper
The Rev. Susan WyperPastoral Associate
The Rev. Ansley Walker
The Rev. Ansley WalkerAssociate Rector
Erika Caputo
Erika CaputoDirector of Children’s Ministries
Maggie Domont
Maggie DomontDirector of Stewardship & Member Engagement
Elizabeth Hearle
Elizabeth HearleDirector, Saint Luke’s Parish School
David Pulliam
David PulliamDirector of Music & Organist
Cindy Scam
Cindy ScamDirector of Administration
Albert Faustini
Albert FaustiniBuildings & Grounds Supervisor
Ron Wilson
Ron WilsonDirector of Finance & Operations
Nancy Coughlin
Nancy Coughlin Executive Director of Person-to-Person
Amy O’Kane
Amy O’KaneDirector of Communications
Oak Martin
Oak MartinAssociate Organist
Robert Lofberg
Robert LofbergSeminarian Intern

Meet Our Vestry

In Episcopal churches, the Vestry is the elected governing body of the parish. In addition to the Rector, the Vestry is composed of the Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Clerk, and 9 other members who represent a broad spectrum of the Saint Luke’s community. According to our church canons, the Vestry has responsibility for the “temporal affairs of the parish,” including the stewardship of church money and property, personnel, and program development and oversight.

2024-2025 Vestry

Michael Moore
Michael MooreSenior Warden
Lisa Baird
Lisa BairdJunior Warden
Bill Bowman
Bill BowmanTreasurer
Fred Elliott
Fred ElliottClerk

Class of 2025

Barclay Bowen
Barclay Bowen
Brian Van Elslander
Brian Van Elslander
Fred Elliott
Fred Elliott
Mimi Griffith
Mimi Griffith

Class of 2026

Al Briganti
Al Briganti
Maggie Machir
Maggie Machir
Barbara May
Barbara May

Class of 2027

Victoria Bolton
Victoria Bolton
David Martin
David Martin
Lida Ward
Lida Ward