Spread Love
Christian faith always calls us into action. Our faith is not simply about understanding or believing the right things; it is about living a Christ-shaped life out in the world, and walking in his Way of Love.

Serve at Saint Luke’s
There are literally dozens of ways to get involved at Saint Luke’s, no matter your interests, skills, or availability. Every parishioner has gifts of time, talent, and treasure to offer, and we want to help you find your place and use your gifts for ministry.
Opportunities include:
- Serving in worship as an usher, reader, or choir member, or by joining the Altar or Flower Guilds.
- Volunteering with our children’s & youth ministries, or helping to provide pastoral care to senior parishioners.
- Joining one of our committees (e.g. Buildings & Grounds, Stewardship) or assisting in the Parish Office.
- Helping plan parish-wide celebrations (e.g. Homecoming, Pentecost Picnic) or providing hospitality at coffee hour or other events.

Serve in the Community
Saint Luke’s partners with some of the finest organizations in our community to serve those in need and actively share the love of Christ with those who most need to know it. Our Outreach Committee is always looking to help connect parishioners with opportunities to serve that are right for them.
Opportunities include:
- Volunteering at our weekly Community Supper, dinner for $1.
- Getting involved at our campus partner Person-to-Person’s food pantry or clothing closet, working in our Unity Community Garden.
- Monthly opportunities to serve at Laundry Love, Pacific House men’s shelter, and mentoring motivated, low-income high school students in Stamford through Future Five.
- Semi-annual HomeFront workdays, volunteer-driven home repair program.
- Building stronger ties with our partner parish in the Diocese of Cuba.
We are God’s hands in the world. Try something new and make a difference.