2025 Annual Appeal
What is God calling you to give this year?
Our life together – and the impact we can make on our wider community – is entirely dependent on the generosity of our members. Saint Luke’s receives no outside funding, and our endowment exists solely to support capital repairs to our buildings. What we give is what we can spend on ministry together, from worship and music, to Christian education for all ages, outreach, pastoral care, administration, and the day-to-day expenses of maintaining our campus.
What we give matters. Each and every gift helps make our life together at Saint Luke’s possible.
But Christian financial stewardship is not simply about paying the bills. Because we are made in the image and likeness of an infinitely generous and creative God, each of us has a need to give, to invest ourselves in the life of the church, and to participate meaningfully in the work of God in the world.
As you consider how much you can give to support Saint Luke’s in 2025, please prayerfully consider making a proportional gift based on your gross annual income. The amount of your gift is less significant than what it represents: giving in proportion to what you have.
Make Your 2025 Financial Commitment
A pledge is a written declaration of commitment to donate a specific amount of money over the year. It is not legally binding, as we recognize circumstances can change over time.
Some parishioners find it helpful to break down an annual pledge into weekly or monthly gifts.
Pledges may be fulfilled by check, credit card, cash in weekly pledge envelopes, or the donation of securities.