Small Groups

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Joining a small group is an easy way to make friends in a large church like Saint Luke’s or a context to reinvigorate long-time connections. Our small groups offer the opportunity to create deeper connections with one another and with God.

Men’s Ministries

  • Men’s Connection Breakfast – monthly breakfast at The Darien Diner (275 Post Road, Darien) on the 2nd Thursday of the month (7 – 8 AM), led by the Rector.
  • Men’s Dinners – monthly dinner at Saint Luke’s on the 4th Monday of the month (6:30-8 PM), featuring guest speakers, fellowship, and delicious food.
  • Men’s Retreat – annual retreat to Holy Cross Monastery in the Hudson Valley or Camp Washington in Lakeside, Connecticut. The 2024 Dates are April 5-7.

Women’s Ministries

  • Holding Dinner – monthly dinner at Saint Luke’s on the 2nd Monday of the month (6:30-8 PM), featuring delicious food and fellowship.
  • Women’s Retreat – Each fall, the women of the parish go away for a weekend of fellowship, rest, and refreshment at a local retreat center.

Parenting Groups

Finding support and companionship as parents is so important, and Saint Luke’s tries to connect and support parents as they raise children of faith.

  • Parents of Young Children – small group of parents – moms and dads – with babies and young children that meets twice a month for camaraderie and conversation to process, pray, and laugh together. Reach out to the Rev. Hannah Pommersheim for details.
  • MOMSNext – a group for moms of school-aged children that meets every other Thursday for lunch and fellowship, 12:15-1:30pm, focused on the things that matter most in raising children through adolescence.
  • MOATs: Mothers of Adults and Teens – a group of mothers of teenagers and young adults who meet monthly on the third Monday of the month from 7:30-9pm to walk together on the journey of motherhood. MOATS group meetings are paused through June 2025.

Meditation Group

Join us for a short reading, a chant, and 20 minutes of silent meditation. Instruction in Centering Prayer is offered, or follow your own meditation practice. Drop-in group in the Taylor Room on Wednesdays. Doors open at 6 PM; meditation starts at 6:15 PM.

Knitting Group

Our Knitting Ministry gathers on the fourth Monday of the month from 7:30 to 9 PM to create beautiful prayer shawls that will be blessed by the clergy and given to people who are in need of comfort.

Moving Forward

A group for those who have lost a spouse, recently or long ago, to gather for fellowship, learning, and support. Meets on the second Monday of the month in the Taylor Room, 4-5:30 PM.

I’m Interested!

If you’re interested in learning more about or joining one of our adult ministries, let us know! Please fill out the information below, and we’ll be in touch soon.