VBS Vacation Bible School 2025
Join us for faith and fun this June 23-27 (yes, 5 days this year!) which includes storytime and discussion with Saint Luke’s clergy, music, art, snack and outdoor play. Age 3 to 5th Grade. 9am to 12pm daily, with an option to sign up for extended days Monday, June 23 to Thursday, June 26. $150 per child. Space is limited so don’t wait to register.
CLICK HERE for the Registration Form.
There is a link to credit card payments at the end of the Registration Form. If you submit the registration before clicking the payment link, no worries,
Please note: “VBS Registration”, “VBS-Extended Day Child 1” and “VBS-Extended Day Each Additional Child” are three separate transactions on the payment site.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make payable to “Saint Luke’s Parish” and indicate “Vacation Bible School” or “VBS” (and “Extended Day”, where applicable) as well as the family’s last name in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off in the Parish Office or mailed to: Saint Luke’s Parish / Attn: Finance, 1864 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820